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Data protection
The range of managed data: The sign up specification data (name, e-mail address, customer preferences), and the sign up date and time.
Contact: You can contact our coulleagues in ways you can see on our website under „Contact” menu item, even by mail, or telephone or possibly by post.
Online shopping: for the shopping fulfillment requisite datas the Hunnia Daunen Ltd. only use for shopping consummation. On our website only signed users can shop. Your datas we save only for the package shadowing and the next orders facilitation.
Acces to the personal data, data editing and deleting: The Hunnia Daunen Ltd. allows to users – after identifying him/herself – to check, edit or delete his/her data. On Hunnia Daunen Ltd.’s website users can do with their data what they want (check, edit, delete).
Transmission of data: The Hunnia Daunen Ltd. must to transmit every personal data what the competent authority needs, if the laws or the final authority decisions are oblige for this the company. For this type of data transfer the Hunnia Daunen Ltd. is shouldn’t be responsible.
In webshop submitted orders the granted personal data the Hunnia Daunen Ltd. in the extent necessary (name, address, phone number, e-mail address) can transfer to the third person who is participant in the service (courier service, logistic partner, developer subcontractor). The transfered data the third person cares according to their data protection rules.
The websites ’s hosting service provider: Tárhely.Eu Szolgáltató Kft.
Office: Budapest, XIII. district, Visegrádi street 80/A I. storey
E-mail address:
Telephone number: (36) 1-789-2-789
Legal remedies opportunities: The User's enforcement opportunities can practise the based on 1959. évi IV. tv. (Ptk.) on the court. If you have any questions about the personal data you can ask for the help of the Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság. (NAIH: 1125 Budapest Szilágyi Erzsébet alley 22/C; post address: 1530 Budapest, Pf. 5.; e-mail:; tel.: +36 1/ 391-1400). If you have any question or remart about Hunnia Daunen Ltd. data management please contact our colleagues by mail: or telephone: +36 66/258-104.